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verdures MonSa

Vegetables, pulses and cereals are essential for a nutrient-rich diet.

verdures MonSa

Vegetables, pulses and cereals are essential for a nutrient-rich diet.

probiotics MonSa

Its vitamin, mineral and fibre (prebiotic) content brings a host of health benefits to the diet.

probiotics MonSa

Its vitamin, mineral and fibre (prebiotic) content brings a host of health benefits to the diet.

baixa petjada hidraulica MonSa

Eating vegetables avoids excess water consumption and deforestation caused by overproduction of meat.

baixa petjada hidraulica MonSa

Eating vegetables avoids excess water consumption and deforestation caused by overproduction of meat.

sense alergogens MonSa

Our products do not contain any of the 14 major allergens.

sense alergogens MonSa

Our products do not contain any of the 14 major allergens.

sense ogm MonSa

Our products do not contain genetically modified plants.

sense ogm MonSa

Our products do not contain genetically modified plants.

sostenible MonSa

Our products are locally sourced and packaged without the use of plastic, saving CO2 emissions that cause the greenhouse effect on the environment. 

sostenible MonSa

Our products are locally sourced and packaged without the use of plastic, saving CO2 emissions that cause the greenhouse effect on the environment. 

verdures proximitat MónSa

Think healthy

Eating vegetables is a way to contribute to making the planet healthier. Overproduction of meat causes sustainability problems.

Eat healthy

Vegetables, pulses and cereals are a source of health because of their high nutrient content and low calorie content.

paisatge sa MónSa

For a Healthy World

For a world full of health, where the balance in people’s diet improves their defences. For a world full of products with a low water and CO2 footprint.

We are more sustainable

With the help of the Rural Development Programme of Catalonia, co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development of the European Union and the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Caula Aliments SL, has achieved the development and operation of a solar photovoltaic installation for self-consumption.

This installation adds to the actions that have been undertaken over the last few years by Caula Aliments, with the aim of promoting the development of the bioeconomy and having a more efficient and environmentally friendly activity.

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